The Chrysalis


2023-2024 Season Highlights & Shoutouts

We Provided...

0 In-School Arts Education Classes

per week to 270 K-12 youth at Monarch School in visual art, dance, theatre, and music all year long.

0 After-School Classes

per week to 140 K-12 youth at Monarch School in the visual and performing arts, including 3 dance teams, on average.

0 Weekly FREE Community Classes

per week to youth, families, and community members of all ages at The Chrysalis in dance, visual art, music, mindfulness and 0-5 expressive arts, on average.

0 Family Arts Events

0 Assembly Programs

0 Guest Artist Workshops

at The Chrysalis in partnership with Cygnet Theatre Page to Stage, Imagine, La Jolla Playhouse POP Tour, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD), Art San Diego, and Space 4 Art.


0 Performances

The Chrysalis Playback Theatre Troupe performed to over 350+ audience members all over San Diego County.

Our Students...

Participated in 12 Art Exhibitions

this year ranging from Project-Based Learning exhibits at The Chrysalis to international exhibits such as Art San Diego at the Convention Center.


Check out the video above!

Danced with International Sensation Little Amal

in November 2023 at Chicano Park in her first-ever United States tour.


Danced Onstage with Superstar Jason Mraz

in the February 2024 Kaleidoscope production at CA Center for the Arts Escondido for over 2,000 audience members

Created an Original Production Called Timeless

exploring social justice and youth voice, performing to over 200 community members.


Shoutouts & Gratitude…

Special thanks to the Dr. Suess Foundation & San Diego Women’s Foundation for supporting our Early Education Program at The Chrysalis in 2023-2024, specifically the expansion of our 0-5 music, dance, and expressive arts programming.

We are excited to announce that the City of San Diego Commission for Arts & Culture just awarded our very first Creative Communities grant, allowing us to offer free classes in visual and performing arts at The Chrysalis to community members of all ages.


Sign up for news from The Chrysalis

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Interested in touring the facilities or using our 6,000 square foot space?

Contact Ivanna Pozo,

Chrysalis Business Manager
(619) 975-2022 x111



Interested in learning more about our Creative Youth Development or Community Programs?

Contact Erika Malone,
Director of Creative Youth Development & Community Engagement
(619) 975-2022 x111

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